2013年12月18日 星期三

object properties

1Table Object

1.1Table Properties

  1. ID
  2. Name
  3. Caption
  4. CaptionML
  5. Description
  6. DataPerCompany - Use this property to tell the system whether or not the data in this table applies to all companies in the database or only to this company.
  7. IncludeDataInDesc - ???
  8. Permissions - Use this property to give a database object extra permission to perform some operations on one or more tables. The operations can be to read, insert, modify and delete data
  9. LookupFormID
  10. DrillDownFormID
  11. DataCaptionFields - Use this property to select the fields that will appear to the left of the caption on forms that display the contents of this table. For example, in the standard application, the customer name and number appear to the left of the caption on the customer card. For the customer table, those two fields are selected in this property.
  12. PasteIsValid
  13. LinkedObject - Use this property to link to SQL Server objects.
  14. LinkedInTransaction – if LinkedObject = YES

1.2Table Field Properties

  1. Field No.
  2. Name
  3. Caption
  4. CaptionML
  5. Description
  6. Data Type
  7. Enabled
  8. DataLength
  9. InitValue
  10. FieldClass - three classes of fields in Navision: Normal, FlowField and FlowFilter.
  11. AltSearchField - Use this property to select an alternative field for doing lookups for this field.
  12. AutoFormatType - used to format amounts that can be stated in a foreign currency.
    (0, 1 or 2).
  13. AutoFormatExpr – j.w. (‘PLN’)
  14. CaptionClass - Use this property to control the caption that is used in the label of a field in a database table or in the label of a control on a form.
  15. Editable
  16. MinValue
  17. MaxValue
  18. NotBlank
  19. ValuesAllowed – (1;3;5)
  20. TableRelation – (provide a lookup into another table)
  21. ValidateTableRelation
  22. TestTableRelation

1.3Table Key Properties

  1. Enabled
  2. Key
  3. SumIndexFields
  4. KeyGroups
  5. BackupKey
  6. MaintainSQLIndex - In situations where a key must be created to allow only occasional sorting (for example, when running infrequent reports), you can disable this property to prevent slow modifications to the table.
  7. MaintainSIFTIndex - If the SIFT structures exist for the SumIndexFields, summing the fields will be faster, especially for large sets of records, but modifications to the table will be slower since the SIFT structures must also be maintained.
  8. SIFTLevelsToMaintain – (only SQL Server)

2Form Object

2.1Form Properties

  1. ID
  2. Name
  3. Caption
  4. CaptionML
  5. DataCaptionExpr - Use this property to enter a C/AL expression that the system will evaluate and display to the left of the caption of the form.
  6. DataCaptionFields - Use this property to select the fields that will appear to the left of the caption on forms that display the contents of this table.
  7. BorderStyle
  8. CaptionBar
  9. Minimizable
  10. Maximizable
  11. Sizeable
  12. LogWidth – Logical size
  13. LogHeight
  14. Width – On screen window size
  15. Height
  16. XPos
  17. YPos
  18. BackColor
  19. Visible
  20. Editable
  21. ActiveControlOnOpen - Use this property to tell the system which control should be activated when the form is opened.
  22. MinimizedOnOpen
  23. MaximizedOnOpen
  24. AutoPosition – (CenterScreen, CenterActiveForm, OutsideActiveForm, OutsideActiveControl, None (default))
  25. InsertAllowed - Use this property to tell the system whether or not it should let users add records while using this form.
  26. ModifyAllowed
  27. DeleteAllowed
  28. MultipleNewLines - let users add multiple new lines between records.
  29. Description
  30. TableBoxID - Use this property to specify the ID of the table box that displays the source table associated with this form.
  31. LookupMode
  32. CalcFields
  33. SourceTable
  34. SourceTableView – (sort, table filter)
  35. SourceTablePlacement - Use this property to tell the system what record to display when the user opens this form.
  36. SourceTableRecord – (if SourceTablePlacement = Record then select it)
  37. SaveTableView - save: what records the user can see by setting filters, determining the sorting order and selecting the keys.
  38. SaveControlInfo – save: which control was active when the user last closed the form as well as the row and column which were active at that time.
  39. SaveColumnWidths
  40. SaveValues – save in values .zup file.
  41. SavePosAndSize
  42. AutoSplitKey
  43. UpdateOnActivate
  44. DelayedInsert - wait until the user leaves the record before it inserts the new record into the database.
  45. PopulateAllFields - Use this property to have fields filled out automatically with a single filter value when a new record is inserted in a table.
  46. Permissions - Use this property to give a database object extra permission to perform some operations on one or more tables.
  47. HorzGrid - The grid is shown as one dot per five grid distances.
  48. VertGrid
  49. TimerInterval - when to execute code contained in the active form's OnTimer trigger.

2.2TextBox Properties

  1. ID
  2. Name
  3. XPos
  4. YPos
  5. Width
  6. Height
  7. HorzGlue - Use this property to tell the system how to anchor (zaczepić) this control horizontally.
  8. VertGlue
  9. Visible
  10. Enabled
  11. Editable
  12. Focusable
  13. ParentControl
  14. InFrame – if in frame
  15. InPage – with page if in Tab control
  16. InColumn
  17. InMatrix
  18. InMatrixHeading
  19. Caption
  20. CaptionML
  21. HorzAlign – inside control text align
  22. VertAlign
  23. ForeColor
  24. BackColor
  25. BackTransparent
  26. Border
  27. BorderColor
  28. BorderStyle
  29. BorderWidth
  30. FontName
  31. FontSize
  32. FontBold
  33. FontItalic
  34. FontStrikethru
  35. FontUnderline
  36. Multiline
  37. PadChar - which character to use to pad a string.
  38. LeaderDots - include leading dots before the data.
  39. MaxLength
  40. PasswordText
  41. AutoEnter - move the focus to the next field once the user fills the field.
  42. ToolTip - help messages that appear when the user points the cursor at an object.
  43. ToolTipML
  44. Lookup – Yes/No
  45. DrillDown
  46. AssistEdit
  47. DropDown
  48. PermanentAssist - Use this property to always display the lookup, drill-down, AssistEdit and drop-down buttons.
  49. Description
  50. OptionString
  51. OptionCaption
  52. OptionCaptionML
  53. DecimalPlaces - <2:2>
  54. Title - Use this property to have the system capitalize the first letter in each word the user types.
  55. MinValue
  56. MaxValue
  57. NotBlank
  58. Numeric
  59. CharAllowed
  60. DateFormula
  61. ClosingDates
  62. ValuesAllowed – (1;3;5)
  63. NextControl - which control it should place focus when the user leaves this control.
  64. ClearOnLookup
  65. Format – (<Sign><Integer Thousand><Decimals>)
  66. BlankNumbers - tell the system to blank a range of numbers as it formats them.
  67. BlankZero - Use this property to tell the system whether to display zeros (0) and No.
  68. SignDisplacement - Use this property to shift negative values to the right for display purposes only. You can shift negative values in increments of 1/100 of a millimeter.
  69. AutoFormatType
  70. AutoFormatExpr
  71. CaptionClass - label of a field in a database table or in the label of a control on a form.
  72. Divisor - to divide numbers.
  73. SourceExpr
  74. AutoCalcField
  75. TableRelation – (lookup into another table)
  76. ValidateTableRelation
  77. LookupFormID
  78. DrillDownFormID

2.3CommandButton Properties

  1. FocusOnClick
  2. Default – is default command buton.
  3. Cancel
  4. AutoRepeat - Use this property to repeat the action when the user holds down the mouse button.
  5. PushAction – (OK., Cancel, LookupOK, LookupCancel, Yes, No, Close, Stop, FormHelp , RunObject, RunSystem, LookupTable)
  6. InvalidActionAppearance - tell the system how to display the caption and, if applicable, the bitmap, if it could not perform the action you specified with the PushAction property.
  7. Bitmap
  8. Ellipsis – (Caption = “Go…”)
  9. RunObject
  10. RunFormView
  11. RunFormLink – (No.=FIELD(No.)
  12. RunFormLinkType – (OnUpdate, OnOpen)
  13. RunCommand - select RunSystem in the PushAction property. Then you can enter any operating system command in this property. Separate any parameters with spaces.
  14. RunFormOnRec - Use this property as a parameter to the PushAction property to display the same record on the form you will launch from this control as is already displayed on the current form.
  15. UpdateOnAction - Use this property to tell the system to save the current record before it executes the action associated with this control and then update the form after it completes the action.

3Report Object

3.1Report Properties

  1. ShowPrintStatus
  2. UseReqForm
  3. UseSytemPrinter
  4. ProcessingOnly
  5. TransactionType – (UpdateNoLocks, Browse, SnapShot, Update)
  6. Description
  7. TopMargin
  8. BottomMargin
  9. LeftMargin - A left margin specified in the page setup dialog will override LeftMargin.
  10. RightMargin
  11. HorzGrid
  12. VertGrid
  13. Permissions
  14. Orientation - page orientation for this report.
  15. PaperSize
  16. PaperSourceFirstPage
  17. PaperSourceOtherPages
  18. DeviceFontName

3.2Data Item Properties

  1. DataItemIndent
  2. DataItemTable
  3. DataItemTableView
  4. DataItemLinkReference - specify the data item on a higher level to which an indented data item will be linked.
  5. DataItemLink – (Salesperson Code=FIELD(Code))
  6. NewPagePerGroup
  7. NewPagePerRecord
  8. ReqFilterHeading – request form tab caption
  9. ReqFilterHeadingML
  10. ReqFilterFields - fields that will automatically be included on the tab of the request form.
  11. TotalFields
  12. GroupTotalFields
  13. CalcFields
  14. MaxIteration
  15. DataItemVarName
  16. PrintOnlyIfDetail

