2014年5月23日 星期五


curval() - returns field values directly from disk for a table or a remote data source.
curval() Return types : Character,currency , date, datetime, double,float,logical,numeric, or memo. The field values returned by curval() and oldval() can be compared to determine if another user on a network chaned the field values while the fields were being edited. curval() and oldval() can only return different values when optimistic row or table bufering is enabled. Optimistic row or table buffering is enabled with cursorsetprop().

height property - specifies the height of an object on the screen.

hide method - hides a form formset or toolbar by setting the value property to false(.f.)
controls on a hidden from are not accessible to the user but are still available and can be accessed in code. Although they are not visible, concotols, contained in an invisible. Form retain their own Vsible property setting.
When the Visible property of the formset is set to false(.f.) the user cannot see the forms it contains. Forms in a hidden formset are not accessible to the user, but are still available and can be accessed in code. The Hide method for  Formset does not set the visible propertyof the child forms, so when a form is contained in a formset, you must check the visible property settingof both the form and formset to determine if the form is visible.

icon property - specifies the icon displayed for a form at run time when the form is mimimized.

