2013年9月6日 星期五

asp-register , asp-if-then-elseif-else-end if (if in file.asp)

<TITLE><%= pageTitle %></TITLE>
<BODY bgcolor="32C800">
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On Error Resume Next
p_userid = Request("p_name")
p_pass1 = Request("p_pass1")
p_pass2 = Request("p_pass2")
p_first = Request("p_first")
p_last = Request("p_last")
p_email = Request("p_email")
if p_pass1 = p_pass2 then
set outpostDB = server.createObject("ADODB.Connection")
outpostDB.open "outpost"
theSQL = "insert into members "
theSQL = theSQL & "(username, password, first_name, last_name, "
theSQL = theSQL & "email, believes_in_aliens)"
theSQL = theSQL & " values ('"&p_userid&"', '"&p_pass1&"', '"
theSQL = theSQL & p_first&"', '"&p_last&"', '"&p_email&"', '"
theSQL = theSQL & p_believes_in_aliens&"')"
for each p_medium in Request("p_medium")
theSQL = "insert into userid_medium (userid, medium) values ('"
theSQL = theSQL & p_userid&"', '"&p_medium&"')"
set outpostDB = Nothing
<%      if Err.number = 0 then 
'All is well with the world %>
<H2>User Registration</H2>
Thank you for registering with Primary Outpost!
<%      else %>
'There was a problem with their registration
There was a problem with your registration.
Please go back and choose a different username.
<%      end if
'p_pass1 doesn't match p_pass2
<H2>Password Error</H2>
Both entries for your password must match.
Please try again.  Thank you!
end if

