An A-Z Index of CSS properties
animation -name, -duration, -timing-function -delay -iteration-count -direction -fill-mode CSS3 background -Attachment -Color -Image -Repeat -Position background-Clip The painting area of the background. CSS3 background-Origin The positioning area of the background images. CSS3 background-Size The size of the background images. CSS3 bookmark-label Label a bookmark. CSS3 bookmark-target Target of a bookmark link. CSS3 border -color -style -width Set all 4 borders. border-bottom -bottom-width -bottom-style -bottom-color border-left -left-width -left-style -left-color border-right -right-width -right-style -right-color border-top -top-width -top-style -top-color border-collapse Collapse table borders. border-spacing Distance between the borders of adjacent cells. border-image Set a border image. CSS3 border-radius -top-left-radius -top-right-radius -bottom-left-radius -bottom-right-radius CSS3 bottom Bottom position of a positioned element box-align Align the child elements of a box. CSS3 box-direction The direction in which children of a box are displayed. CSS3 box-flex Whether the children of a box are flexible or inflexible in size. CSS3 box-ordinal-group Display order of the child elements of a box. CSS3 box-orient Position child elements horizontally or vertically. CSS3 box-pack Define the horizontal or vertical position or a box. CSS3 box-shadow Attach one or more drop-shadows to the box. CSS3 box-sizing The CSS box model used to calculate the height and width of elements. CSS3 c clear Set sides of an element where other floating elements are not allowed clip Clip an absolutely positioned image/element. color Text color column-gap Gap between the columns. CSS3 column-rule -rule-color -rule-style -rule-width CSS3 column-span How many columns an element should span across. CSS3 columns -width -count CSS3 content Insert generated content before or after an element. counter-increment Increment one or more counters. CSS3 counter-reset Create or reset one or more counters. CSS3 crop Allow a replaced element to be a cropped area of the whole object. CSS3 cursor The type of cursor to be displayed. d direction The text reading direction, left-to-right or right-to-left. display How to display an HTML element. f float Shift to the left (or right) allowing other content to flow/wrap alongside. font -family -size -style(italic/normal) -variant(small-caps) -weight(Normal/bold) @font-face Download and use a web font. font-size-adjust Attempt to normalise the font size. CSS3 font-stretch Select a normal, condensed, or expanded font face. CSS3 g grid-columns Width of each column in a grid. CSS3 grid-rows Height of each column in a grid. CSS3 h height Height of an element. max-height Maximum height of an element. min-height Minimum height of an element. hyphens How to split words to improve the paragraph layout. CSS3 l left Left position of a positioned element. Letter-Spacing Increase or decrease the space between characters. line-height Line height. list-style -image -position -type list-item markers. m margin -top -right -bottom -left marquee -direction -play-count -speed -style Moving content. max-width Maximum width of an element. min-width Minimum width of an element. o opacity Opacity level for an element. CSS3 outline -color -style -width outline-offset Offset an outline, and draw it beyond the border edge. CSS3 overflow What happens if content overflows an element's box. overflow-x Whether to clip the left/right edges of overflowing content. CSS3 overflow-y Whether to clip the top/bottom edges of overflowing content. CSS3 text-overflow What should happen when text overflows the containing element. CSS3 p padding -bottom -left -right -top page-break-after Adjust page breaks after the current element. page-break-before Adjust page breaks before the current element. position Positioning method for an element. (static, relative, absolute or fixed) q quotes Type of quotation marks for embedded quotations. r right Right position of a positioned element. t table-layout How to layout table columns. top Top position of a positioned element. text-align Horizontal alignment of text. text-decoration Add decoration to text. text-indent Indent the first line in a text-block. text-overflow What should happen when text overflows the containing element. CSS3 text-shadow Add a shadow to text. CSS3 text-transform Change the capitalization of text. text-align-last How to align the last line of text. CSS3 text-justify Justification method used when text-align is "justify". CSS3 transform Apply a 2D or 3D transformation to an element. CSS3 transform-origin Change the position of transformed elements. CSS3 transform-style How nested elements are rendered in 3D space. CSS3 transition -property -duration -timing-function -delay CSS transition effects. CSS3 u unicode-bidi Control the inline direction of text. user-select Control the selection of text. vertical-align Vertical alignment of an image/element. visibility Hide or show an element. w white-space How white-space inside an element is handled. word-spacing Increase or decrease the space between words in a text. width Width of an element. max-width Maximum width of an element. min-width Minimum width of an element. z-index Stack order of a positioned element. /* This is a CSS comment */
Bold = Shortcut property
Grey = very limited web browser support.
The page includes CSS 1, 2 and 3 but excludes properties that are not supported by any major web browsers.
Most CSS 3 properties will be ignored by IE 7 and IE 8.
CSS References: W3C CSS2,CSS 3, Mozilla CSS, Safari/Webkit CSS, Microsoft CSS
Grey = very limited web browser support.
The page includes CSS 1, 2 and 3 but excludes properties that are not supported by any major web browsers.
Most CSS 3 properties will be ignored by IE 7 and IE 8.
CSS References: W3C CSS2,CSS 3, Mozilla CSS, Safari/Webkit CSS, Microsoft CSS