2013年8月25日 星期日


inf : http://www.coderanch.com/how-to/java/ServletsFaq

ServletNotRunning404 : Why am I getting 404, the requested resource is not available?
RedirectForward : What is the difference between sendRedirect and forward?
ParametersAndAttributes : What is the difference between parameters and attributes?
Model1Model2MVC : What is MVC? What is the difference between Model 1 and Model 2?
CompilingServlets : How do I compile a servlet?
NoCacheHeaders : How do I prevent the browser from caching my dynamic content?
FileUpload : How do I upload a file in a servlet app?
IllegalStateException : The most common cause of this exception and an easy rule of thumb for preventing it.
ServletFilters : information, articles and useful filters
DeclaringListeners : Declaring lifecycle listeners in web.xml
InvokerServlet : how to access a servlet using its fully qualified class name instead of mapping it in web.xml (hint: it's a bad idea to do this)
TypesOfPaths: what are the various types of paths one might see or use in web applications?
RelativeLinks: How to build robust server-relative links in Servlet and JSP applications
SpecificationUrls : Where to find Servlet, JSP and HTTP specifications
What are the differences between the various Servlet API versions? (link)
What are some Java hosting companies? (link)
In the interface javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher, what is the difference between the forward(ServletRequest, ServletResponse) and include(ServletRequest, ServletResponse) methods? (link)
What is the difference between the init() and init(ServletConfig) methods? (link)
Why do servlets have an init method? Can't we make use of the servlet constructor for initialization? When should I call the destroy method? What happens if i call destroy() from init()? (link)
What is the difference between the getRequestDispatcher(String) and getNamedDispatcher(String) methods in the ServletContext Class? (link)
How can I filter the j_security_check URL used for FORM authentication? (link)
What is the difference between GenericServlet and HttpServlet? (link)
Why do we override the doGet and/or doPost methods instead of the service method? (link)
How can I use servlets with protocols other than HTTP, e.g. FTP? (link)
How do I implement security for my web application? (link)
Article on how to enable GZIP compression on Resin, Tomcat and Apache httpd
The 2nd edition of Volume 1 of Core Servlets and JSP is available as PDF for free.
Article on detecting the client browser and operating system version
Article on creating an ImageServlet to serve multimedia content from your servlet-based web application.
Article on creating thread-safe servlets.

    What are the differences between the various Servlet API versions? What's new in Servlet API 2.1: http://www.servlets.com/soapbox/servlet21.html
What's new in Servlet API 2.2: http://www.servlets.com/soapbox/servlet22.html
What's new in Servlet API 2.3: http://www.servlets.com/soapbox/servlet23.html
What's new in Servlet API 2.4: http://www.javaworld.com/jw-03-2003/jw-0328-servlet.html
What's new in Servlet API 2.5: Changelog Article
What's new in Servlet API 3.0: Article, async support

    What are some java hosting companies? This list is not an endorsement of any kind. It simply points to companies that have been mentioned by someone at some point. Feel free to add your own favorite. A list of Java PaaS providers can be found here.

