2013年8月4日 星期日

connect to navication by basic .net aspx

inf : 


Module Module1

    Sub Main()

First, connect to the System Web Service and list all companies:

        Dim baseURL As String = "http://localhost:7047/DynamicsNAV/WS/"

        Dim systemService As New SystemServiceRef.SystemService()
        systemService.Url = baseURL + "SystemService"
        systemService.UseDefaultCredentials = True
        Dim companies() As String = systemService.Companies()
        For Each company As String In companies
        Dim cur As String = companies(0)

Now I have the company I want to use in cur and the way I create a URL to the Customer page is by doing:

        Dim customerPageURL As String = baseURL + Uri.EscapeDataString(cur) + "/Page/Customer"
        Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf + "URL of Customer Page: " + customerPageURL)

and then I can create a Service Class to the Customer Page:

        Dim customerService As New CustomerPageRef.Customer_Service()
        customerService.Url = customerPageURL
        customerService.UseDefaultCredentials = True

and using this, I read customer 10000 and output the name:

        Dim customer10000 As CustomerPageRef.Customer = customerService.Read("10000")
        Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf + "Name of Customer 10000: " + customer10000.Name)

Last, but not least – lets create a filter and read all customers in GB that has Location Code set to RED or BLUE:

        Dim filter1 As New CustomerPageRef.Customer_Filter()
        filter1.Field = CustomerPageRef.Customer_Fields.Country_Region_Code
        filter1.Criteria = "GB"

        Dim filter2 As New CustomerPageRef.Customer_Filter()
        filter2.Field = CustomerPageRef.Customer_Fields.Location_Code
        filter2.Criteria = "RED|BLUE"

        Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf + "Customers in GB served by RED or BLUE warehouse:")
        Dim filters() As CustomerPageRef.Customer_Filter = New CustomerPageRef.Customer_Filter(1) {filter1, filter2}
        Dim customers() As CustomerPageRef.Customer = customerService.ReadMultiple(filters, Nothing, 0)
        For Each customer As CustomerPageRef.Customer In customers

        Console.WriteLine(vbCrLf + "THE END")
    End Sub

End Module

