$('p a[href*=#]') <a href="#dt-link3_same-page_link" title="">
$('code,li.goofy') <code>something</code> <li class="goofy">something</class>
$("div #body")
$("div .contents p")
$("div > div") // first level
$("p:nth-child(nX+Y)") e.g. $("p:nth-child(n5+1)") = 1,6,11,16 ...
$("p:eq(n)") // count number of before
$("p:gt(n)") // count number of after
$("p:lt(n)") // count number of before of full page
$("form input:checkbox : checked")
$("form input:animated")
$("form input:button")
$("form input:contains(foo)")
$("form input:disabled")
$("form input:enabled")
$("form input:file")
$("form input:header") $("form input:hidden")
$("form input:image")
$("form input:input")
$("form input:not (filter)")
$("form input:parent")
$("form input:password")
$("form input:radio")
$("form input:reset")
$("form input:selected")
$("form input:submit")
$("form input:text")
$("form input:visible")
$ ("td:nth-child(1)") /*first Row */
$("a[target]").append("(Opens in New Window)");
$("div").not(".green, #blueone").addClass("myClass");
border: "1 px solid green",
$('#abc_frame').prop('src', 'NewFile.jsp')
$('a').css('cursor', 'pointer');
$('.filePrew').css('cursor', 'pointer');
return index == 1 || $(this).attr("id") == "fourth";
$(function(){ $("p").find("span").addClass("myClass");});
$(function(){ $("div").find("p").addClass("myBackground").andSelf().addClass("myBorder");});
- $('*'): This selector selects all elements in the document.
- $("p > *"): This selector selects all elements that are children of a paragraph element.
- $("#specialID"): This selector function gets the element with id="specialID".
- $(".specialClass"): This selector gets all the elements that have the class of specialClass.
- $("li:not(.myclass)"): Selects all elements matched by <li> that do not have class="myclass".
- $("a#specialID.specialClass"): This selector matches links with an id of specialID and a class of specialClass.
- $("p a.specialClass"): This selector matches links with a class of specialClass declared within <p> elements.
- $("ul li:first"): This selector gets only the first <li> element of the <ul>.
- $("#container p"): Selects all elements matched by <p> that are descendants of an element that has an id of container.
- $("li > ul"): Selects all elements matched by <ul> that are children of an element matched by <li>
- $("strong + em"): Selects all elements matched by <em> that immediately follow a sibling element matched by <strong>.
- $("p ~ ul"): Selects all elements matched by <ul> that follow a sibling element matched by <p>.
- $("code, em, strong"): Selects all elements matched by <code> or <em> or <strong>.
- $("p strong, .myclass"): Selects all elements matched by <strong> that are descendants of an element matched by <p> as well as all elements that have a class of myclass.
- $(":empty"): Selects all elements that have no children.
- $("p:empty"): Selects all elements matched by <p> that have no children.
- $("div[p]"): Selects all elements matched by <div> that contain an element matched by <p>.
- $("p[.myclass]"): Selects all elements matched by <p> that contain an element with a class of myclass.
- $("a[@rel]"): Selects all elements matched by <a> that have a rel attribute.
- $("input[@name=myname]"): Selects all elements matched by <input> that have a name value exactly equal to myname.
- $("input[@name^=myname]"): Selects all elements matched by <input> that have a name value beginning with myname.
- $("a[@rel$=self]"): Selects all elements matched by <p> that have a class value ending with bar
- $("a[@href*=domain.com]"): Selects all elements matched by <a> that have an href value containing domain.com.
function enableSubmit(id) { $('input[id$="submit' + id + '"]').attr('disabled', false); }
- $("li:even"): Selects all elements matched by <li> that have an even index value.
- $("tr:odd"): Selects all elements matched by <tr> that have an odd index value.
- $("li:first"): Selects the first <li> element.
- $("li:last"): Selects the last <li> element.
- $("li:visible"): Selects all elements matched by <li> that are visible.
- $("li:hidden"): Selects all elements matched by <li> that are hidden.
- $(":radio"): Selects all radio buttons in the form.
- $(":checked"): Selects all checked boxex in the form.
- $(":input"): Selects only form elements (input, select, textarea, button).
- $(":text"): Selects only text elements (input[type=text]).
- $("li:eq(2)"): Selects the third <li> element
- $("li:eq(4)"): Selects the fifth <li> element
- $("li:lt(2)"): Selects all elements matched by <li> element before the third one; in other words, the first two <li> elements.
- $("p:lt(3)"): selects all elements matched by <p> elements before the fourth one; in other words the first three <p> elements.
- $("li:gt(1)"): Selects all elements matched by <li> after the second one.
- $("p:gt(2)"): Selects all elements matched by <p> after the third one.
- $("div/p"): Selects all elements matched by <p> that are children of an element matched by <div>.
- $("div//code"): Selects all elements matched by <code>that are descendants of an element matched by <div>.
- $("//p//a"): Selects all elements matched by <a> that are descendants of an element matched by <p>
- $("li:first-child"): Selects all elements matched by <li> that are the first child of their parent.
- $("li:last-child"): Selects all elements matched by <li> that are the last child of their parent.
- $(":parent"): Selects all elements that are the parent of another element, including text.
- $("li:contains(second)"): Selects all elements matched by <li> that contain the text second.