2013年8月4日 星期日

my dictionary


.NET 1.0
.NET 1.1
.NET 2.0
.NET 3.0
.NET 3.5
.NET 4.0
.NET 4.5
Not Changed
Not Changed
Not Changed
Visual Studio 2010
Not Changed
Visual Studio 2012
Not Changed

inf : http://wiki.asp.net/page.aspx/1690/msnet-versions/


ActiveX Data Objects 


ASP is a server-side scripting environment that you can use to create dynamic and interactive Web pages, and build powerful Web applications. When the application server receives a request for an ASP file, it processes server-side script code contained in the file to build the HTML Web page that is sent to the browser. In addition to server-side script code, ASP files can contain HTML (including related client-side scripts) as well as calls to COM components that perform a variety of tasks, such as connecting to a database or processing business logic. ASP requires you to use a scripting language, such as VBScript or JScript.
Using the features of the ASP.NET configuration system, you can configure an entire server, an ASP.NET application, or individual pages in application subdirectories. You can configure features such as authentication modes, page caching, compiler options, custom errors, debug and trace options, and much more.
The ASP.NET configuration system features an extensible infrastructure that enables you to define configuration settings in XML files that are easily deployed. These files, each named Web.config, can exist in multiple locations in an ASP.NET application. You can add or revise configuration settings at any time with minimal impact on operational Web applications and servers.

When running ASP.NET applications on IIS , it is important to understand how ASP.NET functions when running the two IIS  application isolation modes.

inf : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collaborative_Application_Markup_Language

CAML (Collaborative Application Markup Language) is an XML based markup language used with the family of Microsoft SharePoint technologies (Windows Sharepoint Services and Office SharePoint Server). Unlike plain XML, CAML contains specific groups of tags to both define and display (render) data.

CAML allows developers to both construct and display data. Microsoft refers to elements used to construct data as "Definition" elements and elements used to display data as "Rendering" elements.

Data definition elements are used to define lists and sites in the same style as basic XML (but with a limited set of keywords). A simple definition of the fields in a list might look something like this:

    <Field Type="Counter" Name="ID"/>
    . . . other field definitions. . .

A specific set of tags exists to compare and branch on data within CAML as well:

        <Field Name="CheckedOutUserId" />
     <Expr2 />
     <Then />
       Some more CAML

There are also specialized tags provided for database queries.

Data rendering elements[edit source | editbeta]
CAML allows for the generation of HTML based on specific sets of tags. For example, the following example loops through some data and generates an HTML drop down menu of choices:

  <ForEach Select="CHOICES/CHOICE">
       <Property Select="."/>
    <HTML>, </HTML>

In general, almost all XML files in a SharePoint installation utilize CAML. Specifically CAML is very important in site and list definitions, via the ONET.XML files as well as other corresponding XML files. Here the CAML is used to define what elements exist on an instance of a site, and the display of these sub-elements, while the ASPX files are used to define how to arrange and display those elements to form the site.

CAML can be used by software developers to query against SharePoint lists and views, when programming against the SharePoint API (CAML is supported by SharePoint Web Services and by the SharePoint Object Model).


A data access layer (DAL) in computer software, is a layer of a computer program which provides simplified access to data stored in persistent storage of some kind, such as an entity-relational database. This acronym is prevalently used in Microsoft ASP.NET environments.

For example, the DAL might return a reference to an object (in terms of object-oriented programming) complete with its attributes instead of a row of fields from a database table. This allows the client (or user) modules to be created with a higher level of abstraction. This kind of model could be implemented by creating a class of data access methods that directly reference a corresponding set of database stored procedures. Another implementation could potentially retrieve or write records to or from a file system. The DAL hides this complexity of the underlying data store from the external world.

For example, instead of using commands such as insert, delete, and update to access a specific table in a database, a class and a few stored procedures could be created in the database. The procedures would be called from a method inside the class, which would return an object containing the requested values. Or, the insert, delete and update commands could be executed within simple functions like registeruser or loginuser stored within the data access layer.

Also, business logic methods from an application can be mapped to the Data Access Layer. So, for example, instead of making a query into a database to fetch all users from several tables the application can call a single method from a DAL which abstracts those database calls.

Applications using a data access layer can be either database server dependent or independent. If the data access layer supports multiple database types, the application becomes able to use whatever databases the DAL can talk to. In either circumstance, having a data access layer provides a centralized location for all calls into the database, and thus makes it easier to port the application to other database systems (assuming that 100% of the database interaction is done in the DAL for a given application).

Define In Memory

Express Language

inf : http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/6/tutorial/doc/bnahq.html

The EL allows page authors to use simple expressions to dynamically access data from JavaBeans components. For example, the test attribute of the following conditional tag is supplied with an EL expression that compares 0 with the number of items in the session-scoped bean named cart.

<c:if test="${sessionScope.cart.numberOfItems > 0}">

JavaServer Faces technology uses the EL for the following functions:
Deferred and immediate evaluation of expressions
The ability to set as well as get data
The ability to invoke methods
See Using the EL to Reference Managed Beans for more information on how to use the EL in JavaServer Faces applications.
To summarize, the EL provides a way to use simple expressions to perform the following tasks:
Dynamically read application data stored in JavaBeans components, various data structures, and implicit objects
Dynamically write data, such as user input into forms, to JavaBeans components
Invoke arbitrary static and public methods
Dynamically perform arithmetic operations

The EL is also used to specify the following kinds of expressions that a custom tag attribute will accept:
Immediate evaluation expressions or deferred evaluation expressions. An immediate evaluation expression is evaluated at once by the underlying technology, such as JavaServer Faces. A deferred evaluation expression can be evaluated later by the underlying technology using the EL.
Value expression or method expression. A value expression references data, whereas a method expression invokes a method.
Rvalue expression or lvalue expression. An rvalue expression can only read a value, whereas an lvalue expression can both read and write that value to an external object.
Finally, the EL provides a pluggable API for resolving expressions so custom resolvers that can handle expressions not already supported by the EL can be implemented.

Generic programming

In the simplest definition, generic programming is a style of computer programming in which algorithms are written in terms of to-be-specified-later types that are then instantiated when needed for specific types provided as parameters.
Permits writing common functions or types that differ only in the set of types on which they operate when used, thus reducing duplication.
The authors of Design Patterns note that this technique, especially when combined with delegation, is very powerful but that "[dynamic], highly parameterized software is harder to understand than more static software."

More specific sense than the above, to describe a programming paradigm whereby fundamental requirements on types are abstracted from across concrete examples of algorithms and data structures and formalised as concepts, with generic functions implemented in terms of these concepts, typically using language genericity mechanisms as described above.

(Integrated Develop Environment)


Snippet is a programming term for a small region of re-usable source code, machine code, or text. Ordinarily, these are formally-defined operative units to incorporate into larger programming modules. Snippets are often used to clarify the meaning of an otherwise "cluttered" function, or to minimize the use of repeated code that is common to other functions. The snippets themselves may be either literal text, or written in a simple template language to allow substitutions, such as variable names. Snippets are a small-scale form of copy and paste programming. Snippet management is a feature of some text editors, program source code editors, IDEs, and related software. It allows the user to persist and use snippets in the course of routine edit operations.[1]

Subroutine = void in java | c#

Private Sub Button5_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button4.Click
Label1.Text = ""
Label2.Text = ""
Label3.Text = ""
End Sub

Template Content

Throttling process (computing)

cpu-over-heat overheat

In software, a throttling process, or a throttling controller as it is sometimes called, is a process responsible for regulating the rate at which application processing is conducted, either statically or dynamically.
For example, in high throughput processing scenarios, as may be common in online transactional processing (OLTP) architectures, a throttling controller may be embedded in the application hosting platform to balance the application's outbound publishing rates with its inbound consumption rates, optimize available system resources for the processing profile, and prevent eventually unsustainable consumption. In, say, an enterprise application integration (EAI) architecture, a throttling process may be built into the application logic to prevent an expectedly slow end-system from becoming overloaded as a result of overly aggressive publishing from the middleware tier.


inf : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_Server_Update_Services

Windows Server Update Services (WSUS), previously known as Software Update Services (SUS), is a computer program developed by Microsoft Corporation that enables administrators to manage the distribution of updates and hotfixes released for Microsoft products to computers in a corporate environment. WSUS downloads these updates from the Microsoft Update website and then distributes them to computers on a network. WSUS runs on Windows Server and is free to licensed Microsoft customers.

Wndows Server Update Services 2.0 and above comprise a repository of update packages from Microsoft. It allows administrators to approve or decline updates before release, to force updates to install by a given date, and to obtain extensive reports on what updates each machine requires. System administrators can also configure WSUS to approve certain classes of updates automatically (critical updates, security updates, service packs, drivers, etc.). One can also approve updates for "detection" only, allowing an administrator to see what machines will require a given update without also installing that update.

Administrators can use WSUS with Group Policy for client-side configuration of the Automatic Updates client, ensuring that end-users can't disable or circumvent corporate update policies. WSUS does not require the use of Active Directory; client configuration can also be applied by local group policy or by modifying the Windows registry.

