2013年7月11日 星期四

linux-file file-copy

linux-file linux file

du -ch --max-depth=1  ## disk usage
split -b 50k FORMDBF.DBF FORMDBF.DBF__ ## divide per 50k
cat FORMDBF.DBF__*>>TEST22.DBF ## combine it
mv oldname.txt newname.txt ; mv 20061118 /backup/backup/20061118
rm delfilename.* -f ;rm directoryName -fR && delete file and directory , remark I don't know the recover.
yes | cp -ruf /source/source_directory /target/target_directory

cp -ru /server/sername/ /target/target_directory
eog a.jpg && close : q , or ctl+w , i.e. eye of gnome
seg '/BEGINRSA/,/ENDRSA/d' /etc/pki/tls/certs/slapd.pem > /etc/openldap/cacerts/slapd.crt ## copy partial file and delete that part.

