2013年7月11日 星期四

linux raid

Raid stands for Redundant Arrays o Independent Disks. It provides fault tolerance capability and / or performance enhancement depending on the level o RAID you are implementing.

stepStepRaid- LinearRaid-0 (danger)Raid-1 (mirror)Raid-4/5
make Partitionfdiskfdisk -l /dev/hdb && list the disk information
fdisk /dev/hdb && prepare a new partition it will go into fdisk prompt.
create partitionncreate a new partition
 pPrimary partition
 22 second partion
 Enterdefault clinder shown
 + 200m200M Bytes
partition informationtchange system type of the parition
 pprint the partition information
Write to harddiskw 
vi /etc/raidtab
raid 0raid 1raid 5
 nr-spare-disks 後備0011
 device   /dev/hdc1
 raid-disk   2
 device  /dev/hdc1 
 spare-disk  0 
Buid Raid (from information)mkraid /dev/md0   mkraid --really-force /dev/md0
Check Raidcat /proc/mdstat   cat /proc/mdstat&& the symbol "[UUU]" means that all three disks forming the RAID-5 are healthy
Format Raidmke2fs /dev/md0   mke2fs -b 4096 -R strids=32 /dev/md0
Mountmkdir /mnt/temp
mount -t ext2 /dev/md0 /mnt/temp
   mount -t ext2 /dev/md0 /mnt/temp
Check the Raiddf -m
hdparm -t /dev/hdd1 /dev/md0
test it failureraidsetfault /dev/md0 /dev/hdb1
/dev/md0 /mnt/temp ext2 defaults 0 0
Recover replace a new onereplace  
  modify /etc/raidtabmodify /etc/raidtabraidhotremove /dev/md0 /dev/hdd1raidhotremove /dev/md0 /dev/hdd1
  invoice mkraid /dev/md0invoke mktraid /dev/md0raidhotadd /dev/md0 /dev/hdd1raidhotadd /dev/md0 /dev/hdd1
    cat /proc/dstat && view condition
cat /proc/mdstat

